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"Augment is building a curriculum tailor-made for entrepreneurs"

Learn from the Best in Business

Why Augment?
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Real-World Startup Insights

Gain hands-on experience and actionable skills. Augment provides real-world tactics and frameworks, taught by business legends.

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Learn On Your Own Time

Flexible, self-paced education for entrepreneurs. Access the best alternative MBA. Anywhere, anytime, on any device.

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Connect With Fellow Founders

Get support from your peers through online masterminds and real-world networking events.

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Entrepreneurs Community

500+ Success Stories

Stand out with the Augment LinkedIn Certificate

Earn a certificate upon completion and display your business credentials on your resume and LinkedIn.

Our Mission

We're Challenging the Traditional Education System

The Augment MBA

  • $2450, with payment plans available

  • Anywhere, anytime, on any device

  • 15-day money-back guarantee

  • 15-minute / day

  • Taught by recognized founders

  • Constantly updated curriculum

  • Open Education

Enroll Now

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Program Advisor

Book a call with a Program Advisor to discuss your career goals and what the Augment MBA has to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Augment?

    Augment is a Business School for entrepreneurs. We offer practical, real-world courses led by world-class founders & executives. Beyond content, you’ll join a vibrant community and connect with like-minded individuals from around the globe.

  • What happens when I join Augment?

    As soon as you join Augment, you'll unlock full access to all our courses, resources, and thriving community of entrepreneurs. You can start learning at your own pace with video lessons, interactive materials, and exclusive events. We also continuously update our content and add new courses to ensure you stay up to date with the latest strategies and insights.

  • Is Augment just video lessons?

    No. Our video lectures comprise only one-third of our program, which also includes quizzes, case studies, downloadable handbooks, events, and more.

  • I work full-time, is this program for me?

    Yes, most of our students work on their company full-time. That's why we've designed our program to be completely online and self-paced.

  • How long does the program take to complete?

    The Augment MBA is self-paced, so completion times vary. Most students take between 4 and 6 months to finish the program.

  • Does Augment offer networking opportunities?

    Yes! By enrolling in our program, you’ll join a vibrant global community of entrepreneurs. The community has an in-house platform, a LinkedIn group, and weekly virtual and in-person events.

  • An MBA for $2,450? What's the catch?

    Our independence from traditional academic institutions and accreditation bodies means we have much more flexibility than traditional MBA programs. Our mission is to make premium business education accessible by making it as affordable as possible.

  • How does the 15-day money-back guarantee work?

    We offer a 15-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to try the membership risk-free. If you're not satisfied, you can request a full refund within the first 15 days.

15-day money-back guarantee

All members are eligible for a full refund within 15 days of enrollment - no questions asked.